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Family Managed Home Care!

Describing the process, simple & easy.

Family Managed Home Care is intended to provide eligible clients and families with more control over their care.


Through the program, eligible clients or their substitute decision makers will receive funding they can use to purchase home care services or employ care providers.

Step 1: Contact LHIN to create a file for a loved one.

Step 1: Contact LHIN to create a file for a loved one. Once a file has been created then a case manager will be assigned to the file and they will then come out to do the assessment. 


LHIN for Norfolk:

519-426-7400 Extension: 1500 (This will get you directly with someone to create a file. Be sure to have the Power of Attorney present)


LHIN for Elgin:

519-631-9907 (This will get you directly with someone to create a file. Be sure to have the Power of Attorney present)


For more information from the LHIN, Please Click Here to be directed to the LHIN Website on Family Managed Home Care

Step 2: Obtain assessment from case manager and be approved for Family Managed Home Care.

Once the case manager has received the loved ones file, they will call and set up a time to do an assessment. Assessments will determine how much care it allowed for by the Ontario Government. This is not done by a dollar amount but an hour amount.

Typically increments are seen at 15, 30, 60 and in cases of high intensity clients 90 hours per month.  In the case of being denied, families are able to appeal the decision. 

Step 3: Obtain Business License.

Business Licenses are obtainable at Service Ontario or online here. Victoria Eldercare can, on behalf of the client, will help create the business licence and help them with sending the information to the case manager.

Step 4: Set up a bank account for the LHIN to deposit funds into.

Once a business license has been acquired, a business account with your bank will be needed.

Step 5: Submit all applicable application forms.

Once all application forms have been filled out, they will need to be sent to the case manager. Corrections may have to occur, allow time for the case manager to sort through the paperwork and approve.

Step 6: Obtain quote from Victoria Eldercare and submit to LHIN for approval.

Victoria Eldercare can send the quote directly to the case manager.

After these six steps are done, we start your care the way you want it.


For questions or inquires, please call us! We have many clients already using this new program with resounding success.

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