Adventures in Eldercare (first article)
Welcome to the initial installment of Adventures in Eldercare. Readers may already be familiar with me as a health care provider in...

What is the CCAC?
Adventures in Eldercare - April 2011 While we are in the midst of this federal election campaign, throughout the promising and the...

More Home Care Case Studies
Adventures in Eldercare - August 2011 Last month’s article was so well received that I have decided to share a few more care situations...

Fire Safety
Adventures in Eldercare February 2014 The horrendous fire at a Quebec Nursing Home this winter and the 25 deaths of elderly residents in...

Home Care Case Studies
Adventures in Eldercare July 2011 Over the last few months of writing this monthly column on eldercare the most common question I receive...

Long Term Care, Retirement Homes and Home Care
Adventures in Eldercare May 2011 Last month I reviewed the various choices that aging seniors have when it comes to long-term care,...

Successful Outings for Older Seniors
Adventures in Eldercare - December 2010 The world of so many elderly frail seniors becomes smaller and smaller, often reduced to a single...

Foot Problems in the Elderly
Adventures in Eldercare (February 2011) Foot problems in the elderly population are a common and serious health condition, fortunately if...

Caregiver Stress
Adventures in Eldercare (January 2011) Hand in hand with caring for an elderly spouse or parent is an unfortunate side-effect; Caregiver...

Ageing and Dementias
Adventures in Eldercare June 2011 This month we have a guest author. Mr. Phillip Poss is the General Manager of Victoria Eldercare. Mr....