Reminiscing is Vital to a Seniors Mental Health
Adventures in Eldercare (March 2011) How often have you heard that same story? “I was a young woman, I met my husband at the...

Adventures in Eldercare November 2010
Aging parents begin to rely on their adult children more and more. In a family with multiple siblings there is the possibility that...

The Eldercare ‘Season’
Adventures in Eldercare March 2018 This is a very busy time of year for a homecare company like Victoria Eldercare. The snowbirds are...

Navigating Today's Fast Paced and Unpredictable World
Adventures in Eldercare February 2018 While on a recent Caribbean vacation with my wife, we experienced a compelling moment I want to...

Mindfulness for Sleep and other Health Problems
Adventures in Eldercare January 2018 Make it a goal in 2018 to become more present. This concept is called ‘mindfulness’ and by...

Uncharted Territory and Ageing in Place
Adventures in Eldercare December 2017 “Over the next 20 years Canada’s population of seniors is expected to grow by 68%” CIHI The...

Slowing down Medical Decisions
Adventures in Eldercare November 2017 Slowing down the Medical Process saves Lives Ageing seniors are often faced with more health...

Personal Care Primer
Adventures in Eldercare October 2017 I have worked in health care for my entire career. I came to Simcoe in 1986 when I purchased the...